Student Jobs in London is a really nice student jobs website for finding any kind of student jobs across the UK. Whether you are looking for an internship to compliment your education, a graduate placement to start your career, or a summer job to make most of your summer, has a wide range of job opportunities and work placements from part time jobs and temporary jobs to full-time jobs and internships.
- Clean beautiful design and very user friendly website
- Easy and quick Free registration
- Quick search by Region, Contract Type and Sector
- Advanced Search by Region, Contract Type, Type of Jobs, Level of Education and Study Area
- Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Linkedin pages
Site Pros
- Provides both part-time and full-time job opportunities throughout the UK
- International job opportunities
- Operates internationally in: Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Belgium and The Netherlands
- Employers can register for free but posting a vacancy is a paid feature
Site Cons
- The job site offers limited amount of Internships in London
Other Tips
- The top employers panel on’s homepage is giving immediate access to hot jobs and companies
- Be sure to have a look at Studentjob’s Application Tip page for finding job hunting tips and tricks
Overview offers a variety of full- or part-time student jobs alongside internships or placements, graduate jobs and summer jobs and holiday jobs across the UK. Although the amount of job vacancies in London is not huge, job seekers can find some really good job openings and student job opportunities in the UK as well as in other European countries.
Go back to Student Jobs category to find more job boards offering internship opportunities for student and graduates.