About Us

Here is our Mission…
Broke in London is here to help new, old and soon to be Londoners who face the seemingly impossible challenge of surviving on the cheap in the capital. We have compiled a comprehensive list of all the best websites available to help in your search for; jobs, budget accommodation, food & shopping, bargain transportation and entertainment as well as any other awesome money saving offers that land on our desk. We have all the inside info, all in one place… and we know how much you need it because we need it, too!
So, quit daydreaming about winning the lottery and start learning how to live large – while still being Broke in London.
…and here is our Story
So, naturally, you may be wondering who we are and why we are giving you these amazingly helpful tips! Well, this is our story.
Manolis left University and landed in the same place everybody else did. Broke, with nowhere to live.
While couch surfing from one friend’s place to another, he spent all his free time and energy trying to find a decent job as well as affordable accommodation. On his way back from the local fruit and veg market one day, he received a message from Liila – who had recently found a new love with star-signs. She wrote him that she had read his horoscope, and that’s where it all began…
“You have to take advantage of this dismal period of life and transform it into something creative and resourceful.”
This is when Manolis came up with the idea of sharing all the information that he had gathered through his house and job hunting. So he decided to stop his search, and instead began to write down every website and resource he had found.
At first he thought it would be an easy task, but soon found that London was a big place, and that there are a heck of a lot of job boards and accommodation websites, and even more that offer great deals and important information for those who are counting the pennies and shaping their CV’s. So, he assembled a team and scoured the net for all the best info out there – and eventually organised all of it into one useful website. Broke in London!
See it as your one stop survival guide; if Rambo was a Londoner, he would definitely use it!
Some things to consider
BrokeinLondon.com is 100% free to use. We are grateful to be of service and bring you content free of charge. In order to do so, in some of our articles we include affiliate links. That means that when you click one of those affiliate links and purchase an item, in many cases we will receive a small referral commission. We only use affiliate links that give you an identical or better deal than going direct, and your support in purchasing through these links enables us to keep our content and site free to access!
Moreover, we’re always trying to provide the best tips and guides and accurate and useful information. However, we are a super small team and the content may not be wholly up-to-date or accurate and is subject to change. So do note you use the information at your own risk and we can’t accept liability if things go wrong. You should always carry out your own research and/or take professional advice before choosing any financial products or services or undertaking any business or financial venture. You can also have a look at our Terms of Use here.
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Who are we?
Manolis is the father of Broke in London. He conceived the idea and gave personality to the website. Besides running Broke In London, he is an online marketing consultant, a sound healing practitioner, a devoted meditator, a crazy cook and an incubator of (crazy) ideas.
Linkedin | Personal Site
Our very own Italian neuroscientist and philosopher (no not Gallileo), Liila is the brainchild of the website. Thanks to her love for signs, horoscopes and fate, Broke in London was created.
Eloise (but known as Ellie to many) has joined the Broke in London family after getting to know Liila whilst spending her days in the wonderful city of Florence. Ellie was born and bred in the U.K. and has grown up enjoying the delights London has to offer. Now in between her girl about town schedule she spends her time dreaming and writing with affection about the big smoke.

Special thanks to:
Angela for designing our beautiful logo, as well as all our past awesome family members: Tara, Kelly, Jen, Steph, Sophia, Joanna, Katerina, Gemma, Rosemarie, Afroditi, Josh, Adam, Kath, and all of you beautiful BrokeinLondoners who support our project!