Free Legal Advice in London
Toynbee Hall free legal advice services help people who live, work or study in the City of London resolve their legal, financial and other problems by providing free information and advice for those who can’t otherwise afford it. They cover a range of issues including welfare benefits, debt, housing, employment, legal issues, relationships, consumer rights and health and wellbeing. You can ask for advice via text, email or by arranging to speak to an advisor in person by visiting one of their 8 drop-in Advice Surgeries in the City of London.
- Free Legal Advice
- Healthcare Advice
- Debt Advice
- Consumer rights Advice
- Welfare Benefits Advice
- Advice with work & employment problems
- Advice for people living with cancer
- Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin pages
Site Pros
- Around 4000 people helped every year
- Can make appointments by phone or text, to get the best advice for your particular problem
- Free legal Advisors are matched with cases most relevant to their experience and expertise- so you’ll get one that’s most right for you
- Translation services available over the phone
Site Cons
- The legal advisors are volunteers, so have no incentive to dedicate themselves to help, or think especially creatively to help
- Because the free legal advisors are matched by their experience to your case, it may take a while to find an advisor, meaning coming first is no indication of getting advice first
- Sometimes a lengthy wait when dropping in, in order to see an advisor- sometimes a few hours
Other Tips
- Drop-in sessions are available on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and one Saturday a month
- These sessions are on specific issues- employment rights, etc.- so check out their website to make sure you’re going to the right one
- –to help out if you have some legal experience
- Bring all available information on your case to an appointment- they can’t do much without it!
For those seeking free legal advice, there are few places better to go to than Toynbee hall. With completely free legal services, they can give you advice on what to do in any legal situation. Even if they can’t fix the problem, they’ll be able to direct you to the best place that can. As such, for those with little money or who need a first place to seek advice, Toynbee Hall is a great place to start.
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