5 Reasons You Should Have a Water Filter At Home - Broke in London

5 Reasons You Should Have a Water Filter At Home

Guest post by Nichelle Smith

Safe drinking water is one of the most important things in life today. Many people take it for granted, but the world still has numerous individuals struggling to find clean drinking water. One of the easiest ways to ensure that you have access to clean drinking water is through filtration. While most water supply companies have large scale filtration units, it is also possible to filter your water at home. This requires the use of a home water filter. It is advisable to own one at home for various reasons, as described below.

#1 | Cost Saving

Most people spend a lot of money on bottled water. It is possible to purify your water directly from the tap and make it safe for drinking without necessarily incurring extra costs for purchasing bottled water. When you consider that water is a daily need, then all possible solutions to make it accessible are welcomed. Installing filters into the tap will help make the water safe for drinking. You do not have to incur extra costs to boil or treat using alternative methods.

The amount of money you may end up saving, in the long run, is worth it. The initial filter installation is also affordable since this is not going to be a large-scale filter system. In addition to that, the cost implications are not necessarily directly related. The fact that you do not need packaged water means that less money is spent on buying bottles or containers to store the water in. Choose to work with companies such as Big Berkey Water Filters for a cost-saving solution.

#2 | Fresh, Better Taste, And Good Smell

Water can have a foul odor when it stays stagnant for a long time. This problem can easily be solved by filtration. Consider installing home filters in taps to get rid of any smell causing agents existing in the water that comes through the piping system. When contaminants are eliminated from the water, it is likely to taste and smell better. Usually, the water smells and tastes strange because of chemicals like pesticides, fertilizer, chlorine, and microorganisms such as bacteria. Removing these from the water makes it taste better, encouraging more people to consume it.

#3 | Conservation of the Environment

When you get to filter water directly from the tap, it means that you get to eliminate the use of plastic bottles. Much of the plastics released to the environment end up in the ocean and other water bodies, choking the living organisms essential in balancing the ecosystem. This means that when people filter their water at home, the plastic pollutants that end up in these water bodies are minimized and eventually eliminated, conserving the environment.

Continued use of plastic may be detrimental to ocean life, which will, in turn, spill over to human life. Home treatment options are better choices for the environment and should be considered by most people and households.

#4 | Minimize Diseases

Most lifestyle diseases like cancer are rampant today because of the excessive use of chemicals that can be avoided. The chlorine found in water supplied by the local municipality can be detrimental to most people’s health. While it sufficiently treats water, it can contribute to the development of diseases especially when it is used over time. When chlorine is eliminated from the water, it is likely to reduce the development of certain cancers, including colon, rectal, breast, and bladder cancers. While purified water is excellent for grownups, it is even more important for still developing kids. Consequently, when water is purified through filtration, it means you do not have to spend a lot of money on medical bills because the family will generally be healthy.

#5 | Overall Improved Health

Your health is likely to improve when you consume filtered water more than the chlorinated one. What’s more, filtration also helps prevent the entry of microorganisms into the water you will drink. Water is one of the biggest toxin carriers that get into human body systems whenever they take water. Filtration helps eliminate most, if not all, of these toxins that can hinder growth and cause other defects.

Filtered water makes it possible for the kidney to work properly, as well as preventing possible diseases. When you switch to using filtered water at home, you are likely to notice a reduction in the migraines you have been suffering, as well as getting control of your weight. Clean water also helps improve digestion and prevent constipation cases. In the end, you will register an improved healthy lifestyle compared to when you take chlorinated water.

Filtration becomes ever more important if you are capturing your own rainwater, using water from a well or a river. Basically, anything that doesn’t go through the municipal water filtration system is raw and shouldn’t be consumed without being processed. A good filtration system will easily turn it into a reliable and cheap source of water for your homestead.

Treating water at home is one thing every homeowner should prioritize if they want to lead a healthy life. Fortunately, the advancement in the sector allows for home-use filtration systems that anyone can use. These small scale filtration systems can easily turn things for most homes.
