Get a Refund through Tube Refund - Broke in London

Get a Refund through Tube Refund

Tube Refund allows you to claim a refund on delayed Tube, DLR and Overground journeys

How many times have you waited and waited for the tube, overground, or DLR to pass? A dozen of times probably.. The good news is that there is a great app for iPhone, Android and Blackberry called Tube Refund that allows you to claim a refund on delayed Tube, DLR and Overground journeys! It normally takes around 21 days to process a refund but if you know that you’ll get your money back who cares about waiting a bit?

So here is the procedure. Let’s suppose that you’ve been waited for the tube to pass for more than 15 minutes: First thing you have to do is to register your journey details on your app but no worries because you’ll need to do this only once and then the app will store your basic info for future refunds. Then, when you face a delay, all you need to do is complete the details of the delay on the Tube Refund app and everything else will be filled in for you and submitted to TFL. Finally, you will receive an e-mail from TFL, confirming that  your application is being processed. It’s that simple! However, always keep in mind is that you must claim your refund within 14 days of the delay or you won’t get any. You can download the Tube Refund app for iPhone, Android or Blackberry for £1.99 but be sure that this app will pay for itself over and over again!
Tube Refund

Screenshot of Tube Refund app
Tube Refund
