Feeling Safe in London - Broke in London

Feeling Safe in London

Staying and feeling safe in London

Big bad and bonkers as London may be, don’t get too overwhelmed, it’s easy to worry about just about anything in the Capital. So how can we feel safe without holding gun or a bazooka? We found this free Super Guide by Suzy Lamplugh Trust that should help you be and feel safer in every way, from street safety, to flat sharing safety! You can also find more awesome quick safety tips through their Tips section and some nice useful safety apps that will help you in your overall personal safety strategy.

Just a quick note about the Trust. Suzy Lamplugh Trust aims to raise awareness of the importance of personal safety and to help us to avoid violence and aggression and live safer, more confident lives. So if you face any safety problems in the future and you want to feel safe in London you’ll know who to ask.

Feeling Safe in London

Live Life Safe by Suzy Lamplugh Trust

You may also want to check our post for those who have just moved to London.

