Happiest Versus Hated Jobs - Broke in London

Happiest Versus Hated Jobs

10 Most hated jobs versus the 10 happiest jobs

Some lucky ones find gratification in their job and feel committed to it for a lifetime, while others are chronically stressed and unsatisfied. Are there specific job positions that can be considered as “unhappy” against “happy” ones or is there something else to take into account? In his interesting article, Steve Denning discusses about the 10 most hated jobs vs the 10 happiest ones (results are reported from a General Social Survey by the University of Chicago). Among the first group, you’ll find clergy at the first place, followed by firefighters, physical therapists, authors, special education teachers etc. Inversely, in the second group we have: director of information technology as number 1 hated job, followed by director of sales and marketing, product manager, senior web developer, technical specialist etc. Why were these jobs with better pay and higher social status less likely to produce happiness? Unfortunately we’ll not reveal the answer here, but you can read the full article via Forbes. We can just tell you that it offers a good insight on what does it mean quality of life and quality of work.
