Roundhouse Job Vacancies August 2013 - Broke in London

Roundhouse Job Vacancies August 2013

Fancy a position at Camden’s legendary Roundhouse?

Love heading to Roundhouse for music concerts and performance events? What if you could work there and be able to attend for free? The Roundhouse employs about 105 permanent staff in various roles and they’re always looking for new staff to hire. At the moment there are 8 job openings so have a look below and if you fancy one of the roles just go ahead and apply.

Wait Staff | Casual | £6.41 per hour | Deadline: 13 August
Finance Director | Permanent | Deadline: 30 August
SIA Licensed Staff/Stewards | Causal
Cleaner | Casual | £6.46 per hour | Deadline: Ongoing
Summer Volunteers

p.s if you face problems accessing the vacancies (Access Denied message) click on the Jobs tab where you will find the whole list of the current job vacancies.
