Why it is Important to Stay Active This Winter - Broke in London

Why it is Important to Stay Active This Winter

Guest post by Steph King

It is important to stay fit and active at all times, but it needs to be a priority this winter and this is for a few different reasons. It is obviously harder to stay active during the winter months due to the conditions and made even harder this winter due to the restrictions in place, but it is important to make the effort this year and this will help in more ways than one.

Physical Health

The most obvious reason to stay active in winter even when you do not feel like it is so that you improve your fitness, lose weight and look after your physical health. Many people put on weight in the winter months as they exercise less and eat more, but given that we are in the midst of a health crisis and obesity is a proven link to severe COVID cases, this winter you need to make sure that you are active especially if you are overweight.

If you have managed to lose a significant amount of weight over the last few months like many have, you could look into a tummy tuck procedure which will help to remove excess skin and result in a smoother stomach – this can do wonders for your mental health and help you to feel more confident in your body.

Mental Health

Another important reason to stay active and to get out this winter is for your mental health. Exercise is always good for your mental health and boosting your confidence, but with everyone spending so much more time inside right now, it can lead to cabin fever and mental health issues. This is why even just a short walk can be helpful for your mental health in times like this and help you to get fresh air and vitamin D.

Staying Active Safely

Obviously, exercise becomes much trickier in the winter months due to the weather and the fact that it gets dark so early. There should be times where you can get out, though, whether this is for a walk, run or bike ride. You need to make sure that you dress appropriately and take extra care when outside during the winter months but with the right clothing, you should find it to be comfortable and enjoyable.

It becomes much harder to stay fit and active in winter, but now more than ever you need to make the effort and you should find that it can work wonders for your physical and mental health which is so important in the current situation.
