10 Tips for Students: How to Write an Essay Fast - Broke in London

10 Tips for Students: How to Write an Essay Fast

Ways to write high-quality papers and essays quickly

Guest post by Saqib Eskay

When getting an assignment to write a paper, many students think that it will take a lot of time to complete. But the truth is that any essay can be written faster than you think. Of course, it is best to start writing your essay before the deadline, but even if you are in a hurry, you can still write a pretty good paper. 

In this article, you can read the step-by-step guide with all the tips you should know about if you want to write an essay fast. 

10 steps towards writing the best essay fast

Are you ready to write an excellent paper as fast as possible? Writing a good paper does not require from you the skills of a professional, and you will see it.  Here are the best tips that you should follow in order to complete your paper quickly and easily: 

  1. Find a topic. Sometimes professors give you a chance to choose a topic by yourself or offer you a list of possible topics. Pick something that you would really like to discuss and know a lot about. If you write about a topic you are interested in, your paper will be more appealing as well. Brainstorm different ideas and think about which one would be the best for you. 
  2. Ask for help if you need it. There are many writing services that could help with your urgent request to write my essay for me if you feel like you need assistance. You can easily buy a fast essay with online help and take care of other tasks if you have them. 
  3. Research. After you decide on a topic, you should start looking for additional materials that will be helpful for your essay. It is important to use resources that can be trusted, so be careful when looking for new information. There are many academic databases, almanacs, journals, literature, websites that can be helpful for your essay. You should find as many resources as possible to find different facts and information. 
  4. Prepare the materials you have found.  Now, you should gather all the materials you have found and form a list. Not all of the resources you have found will be used equally, so you should decide what you are going to use and where. Sort the resources by priority and divide it into a few sections. 
  5. Prepare a thesis statement. A thesis statement is no longer than 1-2 sentences, but this is the most important part of your paper. It should deliver the main idea of your paper. A thesis statement should go in the introduction because if you put somewhere in the middle of the text, it will just be lost. Avoid vague opinions and thoughts and instead, try to use a clear language to say what you think. 
  6. Now it is time to write your introduction. It is your only chance to attract your readers even if they were not interested in first. In your introduction, you should use an effective hook. There are many different hooks you can use in the intro: statistics, facts, interesting stories, anecdotes, as well as many other ways to hook the reader. You shouldn’t also forget about the thesis statement in the introduction. 
  7. Work on the body paragraphs. In the body, you should explain your main thoughts and other ideas in detail. Usually, there are 3 body paragraphs in the essay, but you can add more if you think that it would be best. For the body, you should also prepare supporting arguments that will back-up your ideas and prove yoшur point. The strongest point should go in the first paragraph, while the weakest – in the last. 
  8. Conclude your paper. Now, it is time to sum up your work. In conclusion, you should paraphrase the thesis statement and other important ideas from your essay. Don’t copy and paste it: you should come up with a new way to put your words. You can also use a rhetorical question, warning, possible ways to solve a problem if you talked about any issue to end your essay. 
  9. Check if you followed all of the instructions. Sometimes a teacher can give you additional tasks for your essay that you might not notice. To make sure your grade is going to be the highest, check if you really completed everything that has been required from you. Do that not before the deadline but a little earlier so you could fix everything on time. 
  10. Edit your paper. When you are done writing, you should definitely check your essay to see if you made any mistakes. There are many helpful apps that you can use to polish your paper, for example, Grammarly and Hemingway App remain one of the most commonly used tools for online proofreading.

You don’t have to be an expert to write a good paper fast

Writing a great essay will not take only five minutes, but you don’t have to spend your whole day on writing as well. Dedicate at least some of your time to working on a paper, and make a plan of steps you need to take in order to complete it. Your assignment will be done on the best level if you focus on it, so don’t be distracted by other things like music, internet, and social media. Just do what you have to do, and you soon will finish writing.
