4 Things You Need to Know About Dating When You Move to London - Broke in London

4 Things You Need to Know About Dating When You Move to London

Guest post by Tim Robinson

London, the capital city of the UK, is a buzzing metropolis that offers so much in the way of entertainment to visitors and locals alike. If you are new to this location and feel you would benefit from connecting with a native Londoner who could become your very own travel guide, there are various options for you. You could try one of the city’s numerous trendy bars and nightclubs where you will undoubtedly discover no end of dating opportunities. Or you could get into online dating. There are free online dating apps that make it super easy to meet new people.

To help you customise yourself to the dating world when you visit or set up a home, here are five things you need to know.

Prepare to feel awkward when it comes to paying the bill

You might have just enjoyed a fabulous meal in one of London’s many restaurants (offering cuisine from every corner of the globe) but your enjoyment can easily be derailed when the waiter pops the bill onto the table. Eating out in London can be quite an expensive pastime, so it’s quite common that you will have to split the bill.

Traditions in every step

When someone in London asks you out on a dinner date, this will usually mean an evening affair. There is simply too much going on between the hours of nine to five or six, with frequent lunchtime queues outside takeaway outlets or bars. The traditional London date tends to be an evening affair. Also, this time factor can impinge on how your date assesses you. Don’t expect the luxury of getting to know a prospective partner over several dates. You’ll more than likely be judged within a few minutes of sitting down.

Dating site is a way to find your love

Forget trying to catch someone’s eye in a crowded bar or nightclub. A more recommended way of making contact would be referring to a dating site. This is one platform where you can relax a little and exchange messages with someone, building a rapport before getting out into the chaotic offline world.

Be ready for a long-term game

So, you’ve made contact online with someone you feel an attraction to? Don’t assume that this automatically means you have clicked and you can close your dating account and commence this relationship. London site users like a bit of breathing space. You might well be one of several on someone’s shortlist. In the capital, ghosting is an everyday hazard.

Choosing the best London dating sites makes it is easier to find local guys or girls to have a good time in a new city. Not only will they show you attractions, but they’ll also fill you in with local traditions. Having someone with inside knowledge guiding you around the various hotspots and landmarks would be invaluable.
