Social Media transforms Job Recruitment - BrokeInLondon

Social Media transforms Job Recruitment

Using social media to find a job

We’re definitely living in the social media revolution. Social Media have been changing our way of living in such an irreversible way and they’re still doing it. One sector which is affected mostly by the social media revolution is the job search/job recruitment.

To be more concrete, let’s have a look at some statistical data taken by a recent survey by Jobvite (which are btw shocking). 18.4 million Americans say they found their current jobs through Facebook (while most of us uploading youtube videos and silly articles..), along with 10.2 million through LinkedIn and 8 million through Twitter. Unbelievable eh?Also, 50% of job seekers have used Facebook, 26% used LinkedIn and 25% used Twitter to look for a job in the past 12 months.

So, the question now is…have you updated all your social media? Are you a “super social job seeker”? Although this concept is a bit scary, it seems to be the successful trend of the moment in order to find a job.

Have a look at the very interesting and detailed article of Pedram Tabibi to get a better insight of this situation.
