Barbican Weekender Free events! - BrokeInLondon

Barbican Weekender Free events!

As part of the next Barbican Weekender “Brain Waves”, art and neuroscience will be the framework of a wide array of creative FREE events that will blow your mind! Most of the free events/activities will be condensed in this weekend (2-3 of March), but more talks, performances and concerts on this topic are scheduled till 10th of April, as part of the Barbican’s Wonder season! So, bring your family and your friends along and simply enjoy! Check the full program of “Brain Waves” and decide which activity to attend! Highlights include: Sonic Tour of the Brain, Build-a-Brain, Knit a Neuron and more!

Art and neuroscience put their heads together this March for an array of creative events that are sure to blow your mind. Bring your family and your friends along for two brainy days of dance, theatre, music and art for all ages.
