Budget-Friendly Tips That Can Help You Buy Your Next Car - Broke in London

Budget-Friendly Tips That Can Help You Buy Your Next Car

Guest by Zoe Price

Buying a new car is a huge purchase. It can take years of saving to afford your next vehicle. Not everybody has the luxury of being able to purchase a car when they want, so it is important to think of ways to help you buy a car within your budget. Thankfully, there are plenty of budget-friendly tips that can assist you in getting the car you want. If you are thinking about getting a new car, but your budget is limited, then this article is for you. In this article, we will go over a few budget-friendly tips that can help you buy your next car. Keep on reading to find out our top tips.

Don’t Be Afraid To Negotiate

Going into a car dealership can be a daunting experience, but if you go in with a confident attitude, you may be able to get a good deal on the car. What you need to remember is that the people at the dealership are trying to sell you a car, so you can use that to your advantage and negotiate the price into something more in your budget. A lot of people are afraid to negotiate, which means they often end up paying more than they wanted. However, if you are not afraid to negotiate, you could end up securing a good price on the car you want. Go into the dealership with confidence and with a number in mind and try your best to secure a price close to that number.

Consider Financing A Car Instead

Another budget-friendly tip that can help you when choosing a new car is financing the car instead. Buying a car on finance can work out a lot cheaper as you do not have to pay for the car upfront. Instead, you can spread the cost of the car over several months and pay a reasonable amount every month, which will help you manage your finances better. Not only this but paying for a car through finance can help with building your credit score, which is an important thing to build if you are planning on buying a house later in life. Furthermore, if you are then wanting a new car in the future, you do not have to worry about selling the car as you can either part-exchange the car for a new one or simply hand back the keys. If you are thinking of buying a car on finance in NI, then you can get the right quote by comparing them on CompareNI.com.

Buy A Pre-Owned Car

One of the best ways to save money when buying a car is to purchase a pre-owned one. Pre-owned cars are much cheaper than buying a car brand-new, so this could be a great option for you. You can even choose to buy a pre-owned car online from anywhere in the country at a lower price and ship the vehicle directly to your home. A lot of people have this misconception that pre-owned cars will be damaged or will break down in a few years, but this is not the case. In order to sell an old car, it needs to be in a drivable condition, so as long as you check everything before you make the purchase, you will be able to get a great car at a fraction of the price. There are loads of different websites that are specifically for selling pre-owned cars, so perhaps take some time and research what cars are available in your budget.

Sell Your Stuff Online For Cash

If you are wanting to buy a new car but you are short on money, then it could be a good idea to sell some of your stuff for cash. Selling things online has never been easier, and there are now countless of apps and websites that provide a safe platform to sell your belongings. While you may not make a huge amount, to begin with, if you keep selling your stuff over several months, you should have made some money that can go towards your new car.

Only Look At Cars In Your Budget

Ultimately, the best way to save money when buying a car is to stay within your budget. While the latest models may tempt you, if you are only needing the car to commute to work, then there is no need to splash out on the newest model. Instead, create a sensible budget that factors in everything from initial cost to petrol price as this will ensure you can actually afford the car. It would be a good idea to also look at insurance policies beforehand, as these will give you a good idea on what is affordable within your budget. Once you have a clear budget set out, you can then start browsing the cars within your budget and settle on a few that meet your criteria.
