Looking for Cheap Self Storage in London?
By Joshua Neil
Living in London is tough- even the smallest apartments can cost a bomb, and when you’re under 30 and need to have the newest iPod every half an hour, you’re going to acquire a lot of clutter. For those fed up with pushing their possessions into every available space and praying it doesn’t burst out at a moment’s notice, there are other options available- one of the best being self storage.
What is Self Storage?
If you have a lot of stuff but no place to put it, there are companies that offer 24 hour storage solutions to safely store your items- no matter how many or how few- for a small charge, either by the day, the week or the year. These self storage units across London are just waiting to host your personal belongings, providing available space.
There are dozens of cheap self storage companies in London, all vying for your money and attention, and it is hard for the regular consumer to be able to pick out those which have their best interests in mind, especially when nearly every one claims to have the best prices and greatest values. There are, however, a number of them which make good on their claims, as well as providing the top security and best customer service to ensure that your storage of property- for whatever reason you’re doing it, and however stressful the time- goes by with the greatest ease and most comfortable transition.
#1 Safestore
Safestore is one of the most well-known of these companies; with 47 stores in London, it will price match with local competitors, but will also beat the other offer by 10% for the first 8 weeks, and match it thereafter- a great opportunity to reduce your storage spend if you can find lower offers around.
- Lowest Price Guarantee: Will beat any competitor by 10% for 8 weeks, then match them thereafter
- Minimum 1 week storage required
- Prices: Average price for a 10 square foot space, for half a year= from £23-£40, depending on location (after discount ends)
- Average price for 50 square foot space, for half a year= around £66 (after discount ends)
- Discounts: gives 50% off for up to 8 weeks for when you stay for more than 2 weeks
- 97% Satisfaction on Feefo
#2 easyStorage
Unlike traditional self-storage, easyStorage collects, stores, and returns your items with their hassle-free, all-inclusive storage service.
They bring their easyPods to your door, load your items, store them in a secure warehouse, and return them when you need them. Collected, Stored, Returned. Make storage easy and let easyStorage do all the lifting, driving, packing and inventory for you. They are also part of the same group that owns easyJet and easyGym so you know to expect low-cost and reliable service.
easyStorage offers:
- Free van for collection and return
- Loading services provided
- Access to your items available
- Prices averaging at £18 a week for a 35 sq.ft. pod.
- Discount: BOOK NOW for an exclusive £25 discount on your first month with the code: NEEDSTORAGE

#3 The Big Yellow Self Storage Company
The Big Yellow Self Storage Company is another big name in cheap self storage, with 38 stores inside London alone, they combine state-of-the-art technology– such as 24-hour CCTV, pin access to all rooms and individually-alarmed storage spaces– with the money and dedication to keeping their enormous facilities safe. With rooms ranging from 10 feet to 400, they offer a wide variety of choices for those with a larger amount to store, such as businesses, or just individuals looking to pack away a few extra items.
- Great technology, with wide range of spaces
- Prices: Average price for a 10 square foot space, for half a year= around £19/week (after discount ends)
- Average price for a 50 square foot space, for half a year=around £54/week (after discount ends)
- Discounts: gives 50% discount for all new customers, for first 4 or 8 weeks, depending on store
- Refer a friend: you get 50% discount if you refer a friend
- Free Van Hire for 35 sq ft rooms or above, minimum stay of 12 weeks
- Lowest Price Guarantee: Will price match any store within 3 miles, so best to check around first and ensure the best deal for you
#4 Shurgard Self Storage
Lesser-known but just as good, Shurgard boasts 22 stores self storage units in London- more than Safeguard. It boasts excellent security, including CCTV, sensor lighting, and barbed AND razor wire, apparently- you can never be too safe- and has a guarantee of either £1 off for, or 50% off for the first month, an incentive that the big companies are hard-pressed to beat. Though room size is capped at 130 square feet, Shurgard gives excellent benefits for those with small amounts to store.
- No minimum stay
- Prices: Differ based on location
- Average price for 10 square foot space= around £14 a week
- Average price for 50 square foot space= around £35 a week
- Discounts: 50% off for first month, or £1 for first month, depending on store
#5 Henfield Self Storage
Henfield Self Storage are another small company offering a unique take on storage- with this chain, the longer you stay, the lower the prices go. Self storage spaces come between 10 and 200 square feet. Recommended by The Times, Henfield have only a couple of stores in London, but with easily the cheapest base prices out there, they are definitely one to consider.
- Minimum 2 week stay
- Prices= Average price for 10 square feet = around £4 a week, for however long you stay
- Average price for 50 square feet = around £25 a week, going down the longer the stay
- Discounts= 5% off + free collection when you prepay 3 months, 10% off + free collection when you prepay 6 months, 15% off + free collection when you prepay 12 months
- 10% off for uniformed personnel
- Free collection when transferring to Henfield from another storage company, or when paying in advance for 3+ months

Self storage- sharing the load
#6 ABC Self Store
ABC Self Store, while definitely the smallest company on this list with only 3 London sites, aims to be the friendliest, easiest to use and most accessible- with them, there is no minimum stay or vacation notice needed, customers only pay for the days that they actually store, and refunds are given for any unused days. They will also price match any local competitors, ensuring you the best price no matter what your stay.
- Price match
- Prices= average price for 15 square feet = around £30 a week
- Average price for 50 square feet = around £57 a week
- Discounts= First month free or 50% off on certain storage space sizes
- Free van hire to most customers
- Varies between stores, so best to check the website for more information
STORED is one of the best storage companies in London. You may wonder what makes it so special? Unlike self-storage companies, STORED collects your items and gets them back to you when you need them. This way, you don’t have to:
- Hire a van
- Pick up all your items
- Stack them in your storage locker
All STORED customers get:
- FREE pickup
- Quick return
- Secure storage
Here are some things you should know about STORED:
- You can calculate the cost of your storage with STORED’s Storage Calculator
- The company offers a £500 standard liability insurance at no extra cost
- If you are storing for more than 6 months, you get a 30% OFF
STORED is ideal for both personal and business storage
Final Self Storage Tips
It’s easy to find cheap self storage in London. Despite the average prices given here, costs of storage vary from site to site, so looking up your local self storage first is best, to see what they can offer. Price matching is all-important, and local stores might just help you gain the leverage to barter bigger stores down, and save those all-important pennies.
Normally you will need to book a self storage room in advance to make sure the size you require for your goods is available on the day you need it. However if at one point you decide that you need more or less space you can easily switch to a smaller or larger storage room. The company will be helpful with these kinds of needs.
Finally, always check the actual prices of stores- very often there can be hidden insurance prices, admin charges or early move-out fees which can add up and outweigh the discounts given by a store.
As with anything, comparisons can only help so much, and the best idea is always to search around and find out which stores near you can give the best prices. Doing some research and comparing the specifics you need will help you store your possessions quickly, easily, and cheaply.
If you have another suggestion or a Tip to share feel free to speak your mind below.
Find more information for your first days, weeks or months in London through our Moving to London guide.