Celebrate Picturehouse’s first birthday with films for a pound.
By Steph Dye (follow Steph on Twitter: @HelloIAmSteph)
Whilst it’s normally a case of giving presents on a person’s birthday, Picturehouse Central are turning the tradition on it’s head, offering one pound cinema tickets for the whole day on June 11.
The best thing is that there is no downside: not only will there be an offering of the best new releases, such as Alice Through The Looking Glass; The Nice Guys and Star Wars: The Force Awakens but also some great special screenings. Put on especially for the first birthday celebrations, will be a varied range of visual delights, including Aliens, Disney’s Cinderella (1950) and an exclusive screening of a brand new, British Independent film that is yet to be announced.

Films for £1 ©picturehousecentral via Instagram
A full list of the screenings taking place on June 11th is available here and tickets go on sale the day before and can only be purchased online or at Box Office, so set a reminder as we think that this great deal will sell out quicker than you can say “Happy Birthday!”
What: £1 cinema tickets at Picturehouse Central
Where: Corner of Shaftesbury Avenue and Great Windmill Street, Picadilly, W1D 7DH.
When: June 11th.