How to harness your brain's efficiency - BrokeInLondon

How to Harness your Brain’s Efficiency

Want to be more efficient? Focus on one thing at a time

Want to be more effective at work and your everyday life? Then according to wellness coach Margaret Moore, co-author of Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life (Harlequin, 2011) you’ll have to quit dealing with several things at the same time. Juggling multiple tasks may sound as a skill but can be extremely stressful and can also harm your job performance. How many times you have started working on one thing and then stopped to start another and then another and at the end you ended up with a bunch of unfinished tasks? If your answer is ‘lots’ then you should have a look at Margaret Moore’s article on to find some great tips and advice to tap into your brain’s efficiency and be more organised!
