Review Websites - Broke in London

Review Websites

Get paid to review products and services

From Cashback websites to Book Swapping websites there are plenty of ways out there to save or even to make money. Through this post you will find out how you can make some extra cash by reviewing products and services. So… you want to buy a laptop or a pair of good headphones from an online shop, what do you do? You go and buy directly the one with the best design? Not exactly… as you will probably end up using it just for decoration. If you want to enjoy your new ‘toy’ and use it for a descent amount of years without facing problems you should probably spend some time to check customer reviews and comments. There are plenty of Review websites out there that will help you decide about the best possible solution for your needs. Some might also have price comparison option to help you find the cheaper seller. There is one particular website that provides also reviews for general companies and services. What do I mean by that.. For example, if you want to hire a car from a company or if you want to use the services or a recruitment company and you are a bit sceptical just visit and type the company, organisation or website that you want to check.

Did you know that some of these Review websites will pay customers or users for reviewing products and services? Oh yes they do! So if you are a natural born critic you will enjoy it a lot! Below we have mentioned 2 of the best UK review websites to get started. Both will pay you to write reviews about products and services. However! As @laurasaur_790 pointed out ‘don’t write crap or expect to earn a fortune, it takes time and dedication‘.


Review – You review products and services and you get payed according to the rating that you get for your review from other users, they rate if your review was “helpful”, “very helpful” or “exceptional”. So the more detailed and useful your review the better the rating and therefore the money that you will get! Here is a tip: If you are the first who reviews a product or service you get double points. You can earn up to £3 for each review.


Review – It works almost in the same way like You write reviews and other users provide ratings. For each product review you earn dooyooMiles which you can exchange for cash or vouchers.
