London’s about to get a whole lot more cycle-friendly…
By Steph Dye (follow Steph on Twitter: @HelloIAmSteph)
In general, (if we forget about the debacle that is Southern Trains for a second) London’s transport is generally on the up. The night tube is FINALLY up and running on four lines, there are extra night buses and bus-hopping is making it even easier to get about in London on a budget. Well, things will hopefully be getting even easier for commuters as Mayor Sadiq Khan is pouring a whole lot of money into London’s cycle infrastructure in order to adopt a more Netherlands-style approach that is both cyclist and pedestrian friendly.

Cycle Super Highway ©
The money will be divided between a variety of different projects, including unfinished infrastructure, cycling programmes and pedestrianised cycle routes through urban areas. There will also be two new Super Highways: the CS4 will extend from London Bridge, all the way out to Woolwich via Deptford, whilst the CS9 will stretch between Hyde Park and Hounslow, bringing cyclists from both east and west safely and quickly into the city every day. The mayor will also be taking inspiration from the Walthamstow cycling areas, making bicycle routes safer and more direct – especially on busy roads.

London CS Network ©
What: Lots of money is being put into London’s cycle infrastructure.
Where: All across London.
When: Hopefully very soon…