A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Become an Influencer on LinkedIn - Broke in London

A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Become an Influencer on LinkedIn

Guest post by Zaali Panjakidze

Are you wondering how to become a LinkedIn influencer? Becoming an authoritative and successful professional on this platform isn’t easy, but with the right strategy it can be done.

Start by asking yourself how you want to be seen on LinkedIn. Do you want to be an expert in a certain field? A thought leader in the industry? Or simply someone who shares interesting content with their connections? Once you have a clear vision of where you want to go, it will be much easier to build your strategy.

So, in this comprehensive guide, we will provide a step-by-step instructions for achieving success as a LinkedIn influencer. It covers everything from creating your profile to growing your network and utilising it to become an authoritative figure in a specific field. So, let’s get started;

What are LinkedIn Influencers?

LinkedIn Influencers are thought leaders and visionaries in their respective industries who are influential on the platform. Through their expertise, they help to shape the LinkedIn conversation around industry-specific topics, influence public opinion and contribute to a more informed business landscape.

By connecting with influencers, you can:

  • Gain inspiration and advice
  • Stay up to date with the latest industry trends
  • Network with key figures in your industry
  • Be part of a community of top-level professionals
  • Amplify your message and reach more people
  • Learn from the best in your field

So, if you want to become an influencer, start by creating content that is relevant and engaging. Share valuable insights and advice so that others can learn from you. Build relationships with other thought leaders and industry professionals.

Step-by-Step Guide To Become An Influencer on LinkedIn

The key to becoming a successful influencer on LinkedIn is putting in the time and effort to create a professional profile, build your personal brand, and connect with like-minded professionals.

With these 12 easy steps, you too can become an influencer on LinkedIn:

1. Create a Professional and Strong LinkedIn Profile

This is very important for creating your personal brand. Taking the time to fill out all profile sections, crafting a strong headline, and using a professional headshot photo can make you stand out from the crowd.

2. Build your Personal Brand on LinkedIn

Think about what makes you unique and how you want to be seen by others in your industry. Use keywords that define who you are professionally and highlight your experience, skills, and accomplishments.

3. Connect with Like-Minded Professionals

Reach out to and build relationships with other professionals in your industry who share the same interests and objectives. This can help you build relationships and gain more exposure for yourself as an influencer.

4. Write Engaging and Insightful LinkedIn Posts and Articles

Share content that is interesting, relevant, and educational for your followers. This can help you become an authority in your field and build up a following. Try to post at least once a week. Share your work, successes, and insights. Don’t forget to add visuals to your posts.

5. Actively Participate in Industry Groups and Discussions

Join groups related to your industry and take part in discussions with others. This is a great way to get exposure, gain new insights, and network with influencers in your field.

6. Collaborate with Influencers and Industry Leaders

Reach out to influencers and thought-leaders in your field and collaborate with them on projects. This will help you get more visibility and valuable insights.

7. Share Your LinkedIn Posts on Other Social Media Platforms

Don’t forget to share your content on other social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. This will help you expand your reach and gain more followers.

8. Comment, Like, and Share Content from Your Connections

Engage with content from your connections by commenting, liking, and sharing it. This will help you increase your visibility as an influencer and build relationships with other professionals in your industry.

9. Utilise LinkedIn Live

LinkedIn Live is a great platform for hosting and participating in interviews, conferences, and industry events. So, take advantage of their live streaming feature which allows you to host virtual events and engage with your followers in real-time.

10. Stay Consistent and Persevere

The key to becoming a successful influencer on LinkedIn is consistency and perseverance. Keep producing quality content, engaging with others, and growing your network over time.

11. Stay Updated on LinkedIn Trends, Features, and Algorithm Changes

It’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest changes on LinkedIn so you can make sure you’re staying relevant and ahead of the competition.

12. Utilise LinkedIn Analytics to Gain Insights on Your Content’s Reach

Take advantage of LinkedIn analytics which will give you valuable insights into how your content is performing and the reach it’s receiving. This will help you understand which content is resonating with your followers and optimise your strategy accordingly.

By following these 12 steps and putting in the effort to become an influencer on LinkedIn, you can expand your network, build relationships, increase visibility, and grow as a professional.


Q: How can I increase my chances of becoming a LinkedIn influencer in 2023?

A: You can increase your chances by staying active on the platform, cultivating relationships with other influencers and industry professionals, creating quality content that is relevant to your target audience, participating in groups related to your field of expertise, using relevant hashtags to expand reach, and engaging with other users.

Q: How many connections do you need to be a LinkedIn influencer?

A: While there is no definitive number, it is generally believed that having at least 500 connections on the platform can be beneficial for becoming an influencer. However, it’s important to note that the quality of connections and engagement with them is just as important as quantity.

Q: How to get 500 LinkedIn followers?

A: To get 500 followers, start by optimising your profile page and making sure it is representative of your brand and interests. Then, create quality content that will be engaging and relevant to your target audience.

Q: Do LinkedIn influencers get paid?

A: Yes, many LinkedIn influencers are paid to create or promote content on the platform. This can be done through sponsored content or by offering services such as consultations and workshops.

Q: How do I grow my LinkedIn followers organically?

A: Growing your LinkedIn followers organically involves engaging with other users, creating quality content, participating in relevant groups and conversations, and using hashtags to expand reach. Additionally, consider utilising influencer marketing or sponsored content as a way to build your following.

Wrapping Up

Ultimately, becoming an influencer on LinkedIn requires a combination of effort, strategy, and patience. It takes hard work to build your profile, engage with the right people, and start connecting with users. But if you stay committed to your goal, and put the tips in this guide into practice – you can develop a powerful presence on LinkedIn that will help you achieve success. So, good luck and thanks for reading!
