Free films in London fields and Hackney from 23 Oct till 1 Nov
This is the 2nd year for The London Fields Free Film Festival. The programme, this year focuses on several themes such as community, passion, sexuality, gender and of course horror, as it takes place over the Halloween weekend.
The free film festival is entirely run by volunteers, on a miniscule to non-existent budget so therefore planning can be very ad hoc, as it heavily reliant on people’s generosity and time. However, things always seem come together at the last minute, which is part of the Festival’s DIY charm.

Pic from last year’s London Fields Free Film Festival
OPENING NIGHT | Tina We Salute You | 23rd of October
The opening night (23rd October) is held at the new bar in the Olympic village called Tina We Salute You, will be hosting a high camp screening of the film Burlesque starring Cher and Christina Aguilera. The evening will be followed by DJs and a late night bar.

POETRY AND FILM | St Josephs Hospice, E8 4SA | 26th of October
An evening of poetry by Hackney based poet Richard Scott curated and mixed in with short films, touching on topics of Life and Death. The screening will take place St Josephs Hospice on the 26th of October.
LONDON COLLEGE OF FASHION | Mare St campus | 29th of October
There will be a screening at the Mare St campus in the Canteen on the 29th of October. A series of shorts by students of the Fashion and Film course will be shown and then followed by main feature of the newly released Peccadillo Pictures documentary Dressed Like A Girl, a documentary that gives an in depth look at the east London drag scene.

Dressed Like A Girl
HORROR HAREEM | Hackney Attic | 31st of October – 1st of November
The Bechdel Test Festival will be taking over the weekend with a series of female lead horror films which include Scream, the Babadook and the Iranian noir horror A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night. The screening will also include Q & A with journalists and film industry professionals, such as Guardian journalist and filmmaker Charlie Lyne.

The Babadook
Find the festival on Facebook and on Twitter: @LFFFFest and all the upcoming events here.
See you there!
What: London Fields Free Film Festival 2015
Where: In various venues across London Fields and Hackney
When: 23 October until 1 November 2015
Cost: FREE