Meet the new ‘Roundhouse of the East’!
By Steph Dye (follow Steph on Twitter: @HelloIAmSteph)
The Roundhouse has had a pretty up and down history, however now it’s a flourishing hub of creativity and culture. Luckily for those in the East, they are likely to soon be gaining access to a similar centre of the arts! Village Underground (the ones responsible for buying up a disused warehouse in Shoreditch and transforming it into the club and live music venue of the same name) will be taking over the old, Savoy cinema in Dalston.

The Savoy Cinema in Dalston ©
And rumour is that they will be transforming it into a complete monument to the arts! Renamed the ‘Hackney Arts Centre’, the space will pay tribute to music, theatre and performance art, with lectures, talks and debates, comedy, performance poetry, dance and other cultural events. It is also likely to have a cafe, restaurant and bar. What used to be a derelict space used to store old kit, will now be revitalised, with all of the original, Art Deco features from the old cinema restored. Want to find out more about their plans? They’ll be holding a public consultation at the space on the 23rd April between 10am-4pm.
We must say with lots of London’s live music space facing closure and in jeopardy, we are very excited to find out more about their plans!