2 Years BrokeinLondon by Boohaha - Broke in London

2 Years BrokeinLondon by Boohaha

After Hanna’s kick ass poster for our second birthday,  we’ve got another awesome artwork from the fabulous mister Dimitris Papadopoulos a.k.a. Boohaha! Check it out and share the love!

2 Years BrokeinLondon by Boohaha

Artwork by Boohaha

Boohaha is a street artist from Athens, Greece. He started his career with graffiti at an early age and along the way he expanded to graphic design and illustration. He has a big love for surf and his is know among the Surfing community for his custom designs on surfboards. His style of work ranges from strict graphic designs to abstract and construction. You can find his projects in different areas of Athens and around Greece as well as in big European cities.

You can check more of his artworks below, through his Blog or through Behance.

Boohaha's artwork for Cohete Surfboards

Boohaha’s artwork for Cohete Surfboards

Boohaha street art

Painting session with Don Forty

Cheers Boohaha!
